Migrating your Server to the Cloud

# Cloud & Data

How to calculate Microsoft Azure running costs for migrating a on-premise server.

Calculating the running costs for migrating an on-premises server to Azure is essential for effective planning and budgeting. Let’s break down the process.

Assess Your On-Premises Servers:

Calculate Sizing Recommendations:

  • Azure VM assessments offer two sizing criteria options:

    • Performance-based: Recommendations based on collected performance data. VM size recommendations consider CPU and RAM utilization, and disk types (Standard HDD, Standard SSD, Premium disks, and Ultra disks).

    • As-is on-premises: Recommendations without performance data. VM size is based on the existing server size.

  • These recommendations help you choose the appropriate Azure VM size for your workload.

Estimate Monthly Costs:

  • Once you have sizing recommendations, calculate the estimated monthly costs for running the servers in Azure after migration.

  • Consider the following cost components:

Use the Azure Pricing Calculator:

Consider EVCO Services:

  • If you’re working with EVCO Services, collaborate closely with their team during the migration process.

  • They can assist with cost analysis, planning, execution, and post-migration support.

Remember that each organisation’s costs will vary based on specific requirements, workload characteristics, and Azure services used. Proper assessment and planning are crucial for a successful migration to Azure! 🚀💡