Cloud & Data



Microsoft 365 Tenancy Management: We can help you manage your Microsoft 365 subscription, including user accounts, licenses, security, and settings.

Compliance: We can assist you with meeting the regulatory and legal requirements for your data and business operations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI and DSS.

Infrastructure: We can design, build, and maintain the IT infrastructure that supports your business needs, such as servers, networks, storage and software.

M365 and cloud services for business
Data backup and disaster recovery


Offsite Data Backup: We can provide you with a secure and reliable backup solution for your data, storing it in a remote location that is accessible and recoverable in case of any disaster or loss.

Disaster Recovery: We can help you prepare for and recover from any unforeseen event that may disrupt your business continuity, such as cyberattacks, natural disasters and power outages.