


EVCO Services Audit can help you assess and improve your IT security posture, identify, and mitigate risks, and comply with industry standards and regulations. 

Risk Assessment: Regular security audits help identify vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and potential threats within your systems and processes. By assessing risks, you can proactively address security gaps.

Compliance: Many industries have regulatory requirements for security audits. Meeting these standards ensures legal compliance and helps you avoid penalties.

Continuous Improvement: Audits provide insights into your security posture. Implementing recommended changes enhances your defenses and keeps pace with evolving threats.

Cyber Security - Cyber Essentials and ISO 27001

Cyber Essentials

EVCO Services can help you protect your business from common cyber threats, such as malware, phishing, ransomware, etc. 

Baseline Security: Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme that establishes fundamental security controls. It covers areas like firewalls, secure configurations, access control, and patch management.

Demonstrates Commitment: Obtaining Cyber Essentials certification shows clients, partners, and stakeholders that you take cybersecurity seriously. It builds trust and credibility.

Business Opportunities: Some contracts require Cyber Essentials certification. By having it, you open doors to new business opportunities and government contracts.